For many years, TAML has maintained its stance towards the elimination of child labour by putting in place mechanisms aiming at promoting and protecting children’s rights in the tea growing districts. TAML endeavors to make sure that children remain in school and their health and mental wellbeing safeguarded.

Mpinji Primary School Pupils carrying placards
To show its commitment towards combating the malpractice, TAML has been commemorating World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) with support from International Labour Organization (ILO) through the Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL Africa) project. Under the ACCEL Africa project, TAML pledged to Establish a Child Labour Monitoring System amongst TAML members and smallholder tea growers.
As part of the above mentioned system and implementation of the ACCEL Africa project, TAML has established a Child Labour Compliance Taskforce, developed a Child Labour Compliance Monitoring plan and capacitated the taskforce members on child labour monitoring and conducting sensitization to raise awareness as regards child labour in the tea supply chain.
For year 2022, TAML commemorated the WDACL on 30th July at Thyolo Sports Club in Thyolo District. The day was commemorated under the global theme “Universal Social Protection to end Child Labour”. TAML invited Honourable Dr. Patricia Annie Kaliati, Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare to preside over as the Guest of Honor.

Participants holding the banner

Solidarity walk to Thyolo Sports Club
TAML lined up a series of activities for the day. The commemoration was kick started with a solidarity walk from Number One Trading Centre to Thyolo Sports Club. Thereafter, TAML Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Tonda Chinangwa welcomed all participants to the Sports club and the occasion. This was followed by remarks from players in the tea industry and the invited guests. The first to address the gathering was Felicia Kholomana, a pupil from Mpinji Primary School who spoke on behalf of her fellow pupils. Then followed remarks from National Smallholder Tea Growers Association (NSTGA) President Mr. Princewell Pendame, TAML Board Chairperson Mr. Sangwani Hara, Director from the Ministry of Gender Mr. McKnight Kalanda and The Guest of Honor Honourable Dr. Patricia Annie Kaliati.

TAML CEO delivering welcoming remarks

Felicia Kholomana delivering her remarks

NSTGA President Mr. Princewell Pendame

TAML Board Chairperson

Director in the Ministry of Gender

Hon. Dr. Patricia Annie Kaliati delivering her remarks
In his remarks, Mr. Sangwani Hara started by highlighting the importance of the theme of the commemoration. He said the theme was imploring players in the fight against child labour to increase investment in social protection systems and schemes for effective protection and promotion of the rights of children. As it is only through such systems that children can be protected from indulging or being forced into child labour.
TAML Board Chairperson’s plea was echoed by the guest of honor. In her remarks the Minister of Gender commended TAML for taking a bold step in supporting government’s effort to eliminate child labour in Malawi. However, she urged TAML to work in partnership with different stakeholders in tea growing districts of Mulanje, Thyolo and Nkhatabay to successfully eradicate the vice and approach it holistically. In her closing, she assured TAML and its members of her Ministry’s and Government’s continued support in the fight against child labour.

Traditional dancers during the commemoration

Hon. Minister interacting with Kids

Local Musician Katelele Ching'oma spicing up the commemoration